16 April 2003
Hi everyone, I want to make a stereo bus of my drums so i can compress it to hell and blend it with the original kit.
Is Phase a problem in a situation like this? :D
the bus delay might not be an issue, but plug in latency may cau
the bus delay might not be an issue, but plug in latency may cause phase problems depending on the plug in used and how many you insert on a given track, if you have pro tools you can compensate with the time adjuster plug in (i think)
if you think you are hearing phasiness in your samples check everything in mono first, if you hear any weird changes ( like the sound thinning out ) you may have phase problems, if you don't everything is ok...
Originally posted by Ant: Hi everyone, I want to make a stereo
:) I have done it in analog and found no noticable phase problems. Digital may have a latency but, you should be able to adjust those tracks back for a minumum of phase problems, provided they are seperate tracks.
Also, all precautions for phase problems should have been resolved when you tracked the original drums, including the kick with respect to the rest of the kit, and visa versa. Try it, see what you come up with. Here is a link you might be interested in.