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Grey, rainy, Saturday in Blacksburg, and so I thought I would play around with the tuning of the drum kit in the studio. I was looking at some tuning tips on line, and I thought I would open a thread and ask for suggestions. There is a lot of info on this topic scattered around the board, but not in this relatively new forum.

I don't feel I have enough knowledge and experience to contribute much, but let me start with some links. The [=""]Drum Tuning Bible[/]="http://home.earthli…"]Drum Tuning Bible[/] is the first thing on the subject I read. Some very good tips, but text is pretty limited on any subject that is basically ear training. I found Bob Gatzen's videos recently, and I'm going to try some of the technique in [[url=http://="…"]his longer video.[/]="…"]his longer video.[/] He also has several [=""]shorter[/]="…"]shorter[/] [[url=http://="…"]videos[/]="…"]videos[/] sponsored by Evans.

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