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I want to extract midi notes from Drum Track Audio like Sonar 6 audio snap does but I was just curious if I could do the same thing in Cubase Sx with a plugging or something?

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multoc Fri, 04/20/2007 - 17:27

There's rarely any latency in drumagog. And most likely the only solution I know of, and can understand from your question, is Beat Detective which is available only on ProTools (as far as I know).

If you want midi notes (you cannot convert a wave to MIDI, MIDI is not sound it is just information that triggers sound) I would suggest downloading a notation program and write the drum parts out yourself

pr0gr4m Fri, 04/20/2007 - 22:21

I read somewhere that AudioSnap can do that...but it probably doesn't work with cubase.

I've never had any latency problems with drumagog when converting audio to MIDI. But if it is laggy, wouldn't the resulting midi data be uniform in it's latency so with just a simple shift you should be able to fix it up?


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