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Hey peeps!

What program(s) out there produces the nicest and most realistic strings and guitar sounds?

Arleon Bivins


anonymous Tue, 03/22/2005 - 16:11

Guitar... I don't know they all sound crap to me.

Strings... the top three that come close are
Sonic Implants (soft and silky)
East West / Quantum Leap (really big)
Vienna (classic)

these are sample libraries and in more cases you need a program like GigaStudio to actually make use of them. I have East West / Quantum Leap Symphony Orchestra Gold which is one of three versions (Silver, Gold, Platinum) and it can easily fool people into thinking they're listening to a real string section.

If you were looking for solo strings, like a violin, well... they all sound pretty bad to me. There is a very cheap program called Synful which has a particularly realistic violin. Vienna makes some okay solo violin products, but be prepared to do ALOT of programming/editing to make things sound right. Gary Garritan is working on a solo violin which is supposed to be the next big thing in realism, and is coming out soon. Another name for decent violin sounds is Kurk Hunter, which has a very raw agressive sound, but again, tons of editing is required.

Hope that helped.