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Im ask for help abut spliting my keyboard {71 keye`s} by Cubase or nuendo software.
I want to split one trck to 3 zone`s and arrange 3 instrument`s [ like piano,bass, guitar in same track]
This request is for more comfortable when I useplay on my keyboard instead of searching and applying correct button`s



Boswell Tue, 12/01/2009 - 02:42

jambo7 wrote: my keyboard is roland exr7 arranger

A quick reading of the user manual shows only one split point and no MIDI control of where that is positioned, so it's looks as though you are out of luck. There may be a more comprehensive MIDI manual that goes into what can be achieved through Control Change or System Exclusive messages, but I didn't find one.

And yes, this thread is in the wrong forum.