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SpectraLayers in Audio Mastering


Hi, I'll try to start learn about SpectraLayers and I'm going to watch some video tutorials and read articles.

Anyway, it seems, in a primary view, that the tool was designed mainly for mixing.

Is SpactraLayers useful for mastering too? Is it a kind of very advanced Samp's Spectral View? Which is its main purposes: clean files, merge files or general editing?

Mastering Survey. Please participate


Hello. I'm an academic at Macquarie University. My colleagues and I are currently conducting a research project on mastering - how the practice is perceived and the impacts of 'DIY mastering' and online mastering services like LANDR. We're really keen to get the perspectives of professionals who master audio for a living.

Is T-RackS 5 'Master Match' similar to FFT Filter 'Sound Cloner'?


T-Racks 5 is about to be released and one of the four new processors is the 'MASTER MATCH', that seems to be similar in the way that 'FFT FILTER SOUND CLONER' (a Samplitude's native plugin ) works.

I can be wrong, but at the first look it seems that the IK Multimedias' new tool is an interesting new way to do what SOUND CLONER does.

What do you think?

Mastering Your Demo Reel.


Without having made the retail market with any of my recordings I've done over the years, the mix demos I put online are essentially the only way potential clients are gonna hear my work.

I'm planning on possibly re mixing some old stuff, and a couple new things, to make my demo reel for my upcoming launch (2019) of my music site and freelance business.