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Soundscape Internal signal routing

Ok. here we go again..

I have heard that you can "customize" your mixer in R.ed.. How much can you customize it?

I suppose that you can have dynamic FX's on the mixer. can you have your plug's pre compressor? or pre compressor post EQ? how about: Plug>Comp>Plug>gate>Eq ?

In other words.. what can you do when talking signal flow?

Howdya get that washed out drum machine sound?

I've been wondering about the sort of sound where you know you're listening to a drum machine and it's crappy in a cool, fuzzy, fizzy lo-fi way.

That Primitive Radio Gods hit, "standing outside yada yada", is the most comercial example I can think of, but refence points for me would be the first Satchell album and the Twilight Singers album.