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 Example on micing an acoustic guitar using an SDC pointed at the 12th fret

Micing an acoustic guitar

My goal for today

My goal for today is get the rhtyhm recorded for a songbI'm writing with my brother. I will record it twice using two different acoustics. I will be panning one acoustic hard left and one hard right. I will be using two SDC aimed generally at the 12th fret and the sound hole. My question is, does anyone record in stereo just and then pan that track to one side or the other?

Best Way to Record Acoustic Guitar?

I have an Ibanez acoustic electric and an Audio-Technica AT3035 condenser mic. I've been getting half decent sounds mixing with the Ibanez' preamp/eq for straight in recording and with just Micing the guitar, but it could be much better. Maybe there's a low budget mic good for picking up acoustic guitar, I don't know.

Fundamental concepts of acoustic guitar recording- one, two or more mics?


Is there any overwhelming advantage to recording acoustic guitar with two or more mics? As a general principle, would better engineer's prefer that everything come together on one mic, or would they prefer to have two or more sources to work with?

Avoiding breath noises while tracking acoustic guitar?

Any suggestions on this? I am tracking acoustic guitar with an AT-4047 and an AT2020. Both are cardiod pattern mics and I have even placed them a little above the guitar facing down so as to turn them away from the player's head, hoping they would reject the breath sounds even more but I am still getting a lot of it in the recording.