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bouncing to disk


hey maybe some one has a view on this
I'm using Cubase 5.1
and I'm about ready to bounce the whole project to
a two channel mix.
now Cubase is currently set at 32 bit recording at 44.1.
there is realy only a few audio tracks the rest
are Vsti which get rendered upon export.
i have the option on export to up the sample rate

simple bounce question


I've noticed a little silent space before the selection in the new created file when bouncing to disk. Is it always like that or am I missing something?

I work in a radio station and exact amount of time in productions is often required.

The solution so far has been opening the new file again and cut the edges within the sample editor. Not so funny.

Pro Tools and Reverb? Stedel "bounces' back.

Hi folks. I posted a query re the quality of reverb- plugins on Julians forum.Greg thought it should be a Pro Tools topic and to post it here. Me, I'm just confused and want to be everybody's friend. I thought here would be good place to maybe try and follow up the stuff that relates specifically to Pro Tools, which is when all said and done, my own need.