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Tips for clean punch-ins punch-outs

Or does it just take a lot of practice? I recorded this guy last night and after he was done with his takes he would say, "i didn't like a couple bars in the bridge/chorus/whatever." I would go back and delete the section as clean as I could and then punch in record and punch out, but I had a lot of trouble getting some of it clean.

How can I reach -9 'till -8 RMS "clean sound"


:? I usually work with my wavelab (with inserted plugins: 1.Waves PQ10, 2. Waves C1 SC at sometimes 119 Hz, for bass compression, 3. Lin MB for Mid and Upper freq Compression if necessary, 4. Lin Eq for tweaking before limiter, 5. Steinberg Loudness Maximizer, 6. Steinberg Resample for downrate to 44.1, and last, 7. L3 multimaximizer to compesate level and dithering process.

A Clean Audio Installation by Alan H. Burdick

Has anybody read it? There's some interesting stuff going on in there!


It's about configuring your whole system, from the ground up to minimize the effect of noise and artifacts on your audio signal, but it goes all the way to configuring your cable runs to your preamps characteristics, etc...


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