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problem connecting external hard drive

hey guys i brought this question up before but i had no luck. I am using a mac g5 and i am trying to connect this external hard drive that i had laying around so i can record straight to it. I try to play my pro tools files off of the drive and it says that the drive needs to be set up for play back and record in workspace.

Best way to setup my hard drive?


I'm using a laptop w/ an Emu 1616m. I bought a new hard drive since I don't have USB 2 or firewire on my laptop. My hard drive is a 7200 rpm 100 gig internal.

What is the best way to setup the drive for optimal performance? I'm not sure of the partioning scheme or cluster size etc...

anyone have any experience with Disktrix Ultimate Defrag?

Quick Hard drive advice

I tried combing through a bunch of posts but doesn't really get me the easy answer.

I have a P4C800-E ASUS Motherboard, OS drive, Sound drive and backup drive. Running Sonar and a Motu24i/o. On boot up I'm getting a S.M.A.R.T Status Bad for my sound drive. Me thinks its time for a new one. The MOTO can do SATA although I've never ventured into that world.

Do I need a seperate hard drive?

Hi! My name is Sam. I have a G5 dual 2.7 and I am running Logic Express for recording acoustic+bands. I have a brother Trevor who does video edditing (which takes up a lot of space) and we only have one 250gb hard drive (stock with the computer). I am on a budget! I've spent so much money on my studio and havn't goten anything out of it. But I think I need a second SERIAL ATA hard drive.


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