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Best handheld for recording interviews?

Hi, I'm looking for a decent quality, affordable (~ $100?) handheld digital recorder that I can use with 2 lapel mics to record face-to-face interviews.

Ideally the device will have USB for easy transfer to a Mac.

Any advice on the best setup (including lapel mics, or not, if there are decent mic-less options) is truly appreciated.

outdoor interviews - levels/background noise


I am a photographer, and I hate it when people ask say ''teach me a couple of important factors about taking photos, because I'm about to go and photograph a wedding for my friend''. It always makes me raise my hands to the sky.
So on that note, I am about to do that here, so i apologise in advance.

2-track (Zoom H1) portable recorder for interviews

I have a Zoom H1 and want to conduct oral history interviews by setting up two external mics. . (I'm brand new at all of this)

1. Can I do this? I assume two tracks means the X and Y onboard mics are both recording, how do I hook up two external mics? Am I right that each mic would then record in mono?

Under $100: Best set up for recording interviews in the field?


I'm hoping someone can help me here. We are in Thailand right now, working with an NGO and part of our job will be to collect stories from farmers and villagers in rural Laos.

We will be going back to the States in a few weeks to collect some gear and so I'm trying to order it now so that it will get there by the time we arrive.


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