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Doing a Live Recording, Need Suggestions On Drum Mics


So, Im doing a small live recording in a couple weeks. When I say small, it'll be just drums, keyboards, guitar, bass, and sax. For drums, I have and AKG D112, Shure Beta 57 and Shure 57, Shure SM81, and a BeyerDynamics M 201 TG. The Drum Kit I will be recording will have a kick, snare, hi -hat, 2 toms, and cymbals.

Shure 55 or other "vintage look" mics for live use


I have to confess that I always looked down my nose a band that use these sort of mics. Obviously you are paying more for the look than the sound (sometimes a lot.) roots band has a new female lead vocalist who has a lot of talent, is good looking, and likes a lot of vintage music.

Crowd Mics Need to Raise/Lower


I'm about to hang some 57s over our church congregation to pick up some crowd noise, but the facility is also a gym, so ideally, I need to be able to raise and lower them 5-10 feet so I can get a good mic placement on Sundays, but fly them out of the way for weekly basketball use. Has anyone ever had to do anything similar, or have any ideas?

Anyone Have comments on Sterling Audio ST 79 Mics for Vocals


As title says I am looking for comments on using my Sterling Audio Condenser Mic ST 79 for vocals. So far I have not gotten good results...Anyone have any input on this. Acoustic Guitars it does well for me. .But Vocals another matter. What would anyone like to suggest . .my budget is less around 500 Dollars. .I paid over that for this Sterling Audio so price did not help me out.


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