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Quality of Carvin mixing consoles?

Does anyone have experience with Carvin mixing consoles? A band I work with is looking into a new board and it seems Carvin offers some very nice boards for several hundred $$ less than Mackies / Soundcraft / Alesis etc...

So are you saving money because you are buying direct or is the quality less than ideal? Anyone here know?


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Mixerman's 10 Steps to Better Mixing

Once again, this is a re-post of a re-post of an article I wrote sometime ago. This one has never been altered, it is exactly the same as it was the day I wrote it (in less than 2 minutes), and has stood the test of time.

I have gotten good response to this, and now that I have a forum for these things, I thought I'd put it up.

Now the 10 Steps:

Best method for mixing DAW tracks?

I'm sure this is not a new question, and I've asked it once myself over in the MOTU forum, but didn't get answers that quenched my I'll ask it again here.

What are people's opinions about the best way to mix tracks recorded to a host-based DAW? Do you prefer to mix in software or use a console? If the latter, do you prefer a digital or an analog console?


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