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Welcome Kurt Foster (Cedar Flat Fats) Moderator

Hey all, most of us know him as "Cedar Flat Fats" who has been posting his *** off/ sharing his valuable knowledge about this business so much that I had to ask "Kurt" to join The RO Team of Moderators. Kurt said yes! :D and offered to join Harvey here. Ya!

Kurt is a musician, performer, live sound reinforcement engineer, record producer and recording engineer.

Welcome Mike Fossenkemper to The RO Team of Moderators

I would like to be the first to welcome Mike Fossenkemper from TurtleTone Studio as our newest addition to the RO Team of Moderators. Mike is going to join our long time friend Joe Lambert to add and even more diversified ingredient to the Mastering forum. Mike has an outstanding track record, I am so excited to see him here. Very interesting bio Mike!

Three Moderators and no moderation?

I don't mean to be negative or anything but what's the point of having three moderators for this forum when not one of them posts regularly or appears to take any interest in what goes on in this forum. My impression was that a moderator was supposed to work to get the forum going, set the tone and provide feedback.


If you’ve clicked MODERATOR STEDEL’S INNER SANCTUM button, then you’re probably in a state of shock. Either you did this accidently and have ended up here by mistake, and are now thinking - "Where the f**k am I?" (I know there are nicer ways to say this, but most people seem to know what you mean by this up here) – or how do I get out of here… fast.


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