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drum overhead panning

i was wondering how you guys pan the drum overheads. i had always done a hard left/right pan with the overheads until i read an article recently that suggested a tighter spacing made for a more realistic soundstage (something like 10 and 2 o'clock).

what does everyone else do? do you pan differently based on how you mic'ed the kit (xy vs spaced pair)?

- neil

Hypercardioid pattern: Too tight for single overhead?

Your thoughts requested, especially impressions from any who've tried this. What I'm contemplating is using my new Beyer M260 with Sank mod as a single drum overhead in Fletcher's three-mic technique. I'm a week out from this session, and wondering if its hypercardioid pickup will present too tight an image.

drum overhead question

Hello-I was hoping some of you experts could help out a beginning beginner with this dilemma. I am looking to upgrade my drum overheads-right now I have C1000s, and even to my somewhat untrained ear they sound kind of harsh even though I have tried placing them in different spots. I have an at4033, and I like the sounds I have gotten from it better.

Overhead Phase

I was listening to a current drum track and playing with phase switches while in mono. Listening to the low end it sounds the fullest with one over head switched out. The right from the drummers perspective. However, listening to the hi end I can hear a slight filtering type thing with this setup. From now on I will listen for this while tracking, but what adjustment should I make?

Help with Overheads

I have a sh*tty little room to record drums in. Thus, My overheads sound like drums in my sh*tty little room. Very cardboard box like. I have started using a pair of dbx 160x's on them. The attack that the comps help me get is a great improvment, however they still sound like cardboard.
Should I roll all the lows off and just go for crisp and thin?

overhead mics - Matched pair or not?


Hi there

I've got a question for all of you

Let's say (for example) that you have to record a drumkit and there are only 2 options for the overhead mics.

a) 2 cheap small condensators (identical)

b) 2 expensive large condensators... BUT...
They are not identical, cause one is the "tube-version" of the other... So they sound a bit different.