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Bass on grand piano

Lately I’ve been experimenting with a 2 piece band.  Grand piano/drums/vocals.

I’m using a Shure beta 52 over the piano bass strings heavily lowpassed at 200Hz and sidechain gated to one of 2 contact mics attached to the underside of the soundboard. I’m using C-Ducers.   They give me rich sound.  I’m also adding a stereo pair of Behringer C2’s for air.

Micing an upright acoustic piano


Well, I've had it with digital pianos and Gigapiano, I just can't get a satisfying sound and realistic dynamics from anything I've tried, so I am buying an upright to use in my recordings, but I have no idea how to place the mikes, or what type of mikes (low budget) I need to do this. Any help will be greatly appreciated !