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Use Cubase midi sequencer as master instead of keyboard

hey guys... i wanna record sounds of my keyboard...but i wanna use the sequencer of Cubase... i wanna use its midi sequencer instead of my keyboard. now in the midi devices list my keyboard isn't in the list... the following are the midi parameters of my keyboard.

1. Base Midi Channels= 01-16
2. Clock source- Internal/MIDI
3. Xmit Midi Clocks= on/off

Hardware Sequencer versus Computer Software Sequencing

Does anyone know of a good drum machine and sequencer for piano and guitar. Hardware that is. I have a EMU 0404 card and software installed in my computer, but I keep getting crashes, so I am having a hard time trying to transfer CD's from my DAW recorder, 8 track, to my computer software, which is a Cubase software program and a Patchmix mixer.

looking for a program w/ a user friendly drum sequencer

I have Cubase SX, and after a few months Ive gotten to know my way around a little bit, but it still isn't user friendly at all, especially for sequencing drums. I looking for a program that has bulit in support for EASLIY creating your own drum loops and implementing them seamlessly into your project. Doing drums on Cubase makes me want to stop recording all together. thanks a lot!


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