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guys Korg d1600mk 2 or a computer based program to mix and record vocals


Guys please advise i just bought a Korg d1600 mk ii digital mixer and was wondering do i mix my tracks on the mixer without a pc or would you recommend i connect it to the pc and mix the tracks on a pc based software instead. if i have to connect it to the pc how do i link the pc based software to the mixer?

Old School Hip Hop Vocals? (90's)


I'm about to get started in recording songs but I need to know what equipment to get to get that 90's type of vocal sound.

I have 300$ to buy either a a mixer or mic preamp or whatever I should get to at least get me started. I plan to also buy a Stellar CM5. Something like Too Short - Way to real has that special delay and warm sound that I like.


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