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I have been using Logic Audio for a while. now I'm on 6.4.1.
I still have timing problems sometimes when using VST instruments.
Even if I don't use a lot of them.
I use a Mac G4 Dual 1,44 Ghz with an MOTU 828 interface and
Unitor 8 midi-interface.
Anybody have any idea what the cause could be ?
Internal mac, MOTU, Unitor ?
Thanks for your replies. :)


anonymous Sat, 03/26/2005 - 02:24

Thanks for your reaction Someday !
I don't use my MOTU for recording just for playback of audiofiles
and VST instruments. I record with my protools interface.
I sometimes get the notification "Core audio overload ",
but not always. I sometimes also have drop-outs of my VST instruments. Could it have something to do with the way the Mac organises the RAM memory ? I already put in 512 mb more memory
for a total of 1024 mb. The timing problems are very random.
Thanks for your reply ! :)