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Dear community!

We're proud to celebrate 25 Years of SOUND FORGE with the latest release of SOUND FORGE Pro 12.
We were highly inspired by the last feedback thread here in the community and like to go for a second round! Please feel free to tell us what you like and dislike, and your ideas and wishes for future features!

The highlights of this version are the following:
- 64-Bit
- VST3 Support
- Wave Hammer 2.0
- DeClicker/DeCrackler
- DeHisser
- DeClipper
- POWR-R Dithering
- 384 kHz Samplerate
- DSD Import/Export Support

You can download a trial directly here:

Here's a short video showcasing what SOUND FORGE is and can:

Have a look at our magazine article for more in-depth information: coming soon

We will collect your feedback and forward it directly to our SOUND FORGE development team.

We're excited to read your comments!


paulears Wed, 04/04/2018 - 13:53

I spent £149 upgrading 10 to 11, in February. Magic now want an extra £199 to upgrade the old one they sold me to the new one. Cubase, my usual everyday sequencer, have a recent buyer special price - it seems Magic don't.

The differences between 11 and 12 are not worth two hundred quid - I'll stick with 11, which although I like the Sound Forge product, means I'll drop it down my must have list. I did ask Magix, just after I bought the last upgrade about 12 and they said no price had been announced yet. Oh well.

ronmac Thu, 04/05/2018 - 08:43

My impressions...

Downloading - painfully slow (see my post above)
Installation - Intuitive and easy. Registration for Trial copy activation required an email from Magix (it was very quick to arrive)
Opening - Somewhat slow finding and authorizing my 3rd party plugins
GUI - Very last century looking. There are some improvements over 11, but it still looks dated. Opening the Izotope add-ons really highlights the differences.
Workflow - I did open a few files to see how basic operations behaved, but haven't done any work with it yet....

My conclusions - without trying it in a real world session it is hard to comment on if it is an improvement over SF11. Honestly, I haven't seen anything so far that takes my breath away.

Bottom line - Considering all of the above, I can't see how it will improve my workflow or offer tools I don't already own (I have several DAWs (including Samp ProX3), all of Izotope Advanced Products, Adobe Audition CC6, etc.). I am often an "instant buy" kinda guy when I see something that wows me. I won't be opening my wallet yet.

This is "my" experience, and may differ from yours.

Johnny Blade Sun, 04/08/2018 - 18:44

I am a fervent supporter of Samplitude and a few other Magix products on various forums. I love Samplitude. I have Sequoia 12. I have Samplitude Pro X, Pro X2 and Pro X3. I've known Sound Forge since the time it was a product of Sonic Foundry - the first version I used was 4.5.

Recently I had the immense honor of being presented with the entry version of Sound Forge - Sound Forge Audio Studio 12 - very decent software!

Among other more impressive activities that I adopt for a living, I am also a software programmer; I specialize in programming software, for my own use, in C++ language.

Over the last few years, after adopting and designing Samplitude as the world's best DAW, I have come to notice the style of development that Magix adopts for its software. To not lengthen this message, I'll stick to just 2: Samplitude and - the recent acquisition - Sound Forge.

Samplitude - the biggest breakthrough came from version 11 to Pro X version. From there, some very interesting updates happened and the Pro X3 acquisition is a favorable but not fundamental investment. The Pro X2 and Pro X3 versions do not represent a very advanced development. They are OK, but they failed to impress. Anyone who is still in the Pro X version is well served.

Sound Forge - the version Pro 11 is 32-bit; the current one, Pro 12, is 64-bit. The most interesting development, in my humble opinion, stopped there. Let's see:

Wave Hammer 2.0 is nothing more than the Multiband Dynamics, present in Sampliquoia. How could you call a plugin so interesting, present in version 11 of Forge, a "version 2.0" since this pseudo update does not have the minimum relation of continuity with the original plugin? There was no development whatsoever here. Just a copy/paste, from there to here.

DeClicker / DeCrackler, DeHisser, DeClipper: migrated from Sampliquoia to Forge. Simple. Copy/paste. Nothing more than this.

DSD Import / Export Support - probably the second major enhancement of the current version.

Moreover, the announced other improvements do not convince, not to mention that the graphical interface is almost totally maintained, with exceptions merely punctual.

I'm starting to get disillusioned with the Magix programmers. With each new version of these programs, my excitement quickly turns into a lost, dull and disillusioned smile.

So... as for the original message object, the current release of the legendary Sound Forge, I finish my impression sadly and dispirited, just to say that the entry version - Sound Forge Audio Studio 12 - is much better and more interesting, with a workflow based in the philosophy of Sampliquoia (slices = objects), which is something very cool and genuinely one step ahead of its previous versions.

I'm sorry for having developed my opinion that way.


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