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How to start a commercial studio?

Without going off the deep end about how expensive all the equipment is, I'm interested to learn about how one starts up a small commercial studio. Some things are obvious: you need acoustically-treated rooms for recording and control, for instance. But do you need to incorporate? What sort of business plan would you need? Ideas?

Do you keep all you gear powered on?

Do yiou guys keep all your studio stuff connected 24 hours?
What about MTBF? Aren't we reducing parts lifetime?
I know that it is very stressing for electronic devices if you keep powering it on/off, lots of start-up current transients and so.
I turn off everything if I plan to travel or stay good part of the day out.
wanna hear it from ya.

How to make your mix not sound bad on the radio...

i'm curious as to what i can do to make my recordings not sound like crap when they go through the radio's compressors and limiters and whatnot. i want to keep my mixes dynamic, but what can i do to the whole thing to make it not sound like crap when it runs through those compressors? should i fight compression with compression? and if so how?