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Cubase is a digital audio workstation developed by Steinberg for music and MIDI recording, arranging and editing. The first version, which was originally only a MIDI sequencer and ran on the Atari ST computer, was released in 1989

No Sound in Cubase

This is really weird, but for some reason I have lost sound playback on one of my Cubase projects. All of the other ones play back just fine, but this particular one is frustrating the heck out of me. (It is the RO remix project). This thing used to play back fine when I first imported all the!

Cubase SX?

Looks like Steinberg has announced another new product at the Musikmesse show in Frankfort Germany, the new "Cubase SX". Here is a quote from Computer Music Web Site:

"Nuendo meets Cubase - new nuendoesque audio engine, new VST instruments, Full OSX/XP support, more effects, 5.1 mixing, unlimited undo and more..."

Sharing files - Logic, Cubase etc

In my band three of us have DAW software. Wouldn't you know it...I have Logic, the keyboard player has Cubase and the guitarist has Cakewalk.

Of course, mine (Logic) is the best ;-), but it would be cool if we could fairly easily share files beyond using just raw wav and midi files.

Anyone know what's possible or had experience of making this work?