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EQ & Dynamics for Bamboo Flute


Hi Friends,
What are the dynamics we usually using for bamboo flute recording (like delay reverb etc.) please mention if we usually use compressor/limiter for flute track ? I know its depends on the requirement. But i would like to hear from you guys the effect to be used for a soothing flute music besides a karaoke track.

Mastering a song with musical dynamics: ppp to FFF


By dynamics, I mean the type that musicians play, from soft to loud.

So how do I get that rock punch when the track has soft verses and loud choruses? On the chorus it's all good, I just set my compressors, etc., and the meters kick.

But on the verses, it's all below the threshold. Can't lower the threshold on the verses without squashing the loud choruses.

Editing EQ and Dynamics of a song


Hello all.

I have been recording my music using mainly drum machines and keyboards and of course microphone with a DAW for the past few months.

Now that i understand my equipment better, i've realized i dont exactly understand EQ and other editing tools.

I would greatly appreciate any tips/tricks/advice on the subject.