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A preamplifier, also known as a preamp, is an electronic amplifier that converts a weak electrical signal into an output signal strong enough to be noise-tolerant and strong enough for further processing, or for sending to a power amplifier and a loudspeaker. Without this, the final signal would be noisy or distorted.

$1k Preamp to complement an RNP

So I'm pretty sure I'm going with an RNP this week, with leaves me with about $1K for another preamp. I want something that will sound good for vocals, electric and acoustic guitars, snare, bass DI and I'll probably throw some keyboards through it. Would it be wise to get something more colored considering the RNP is described as being so "neutral"?

Preamp for acoustic, 'classical' styles?

Those of you with experience in recording chamber, orchestral and other types of live purely acoustic music, what type of preamp have you liked the most?

I'm thinking of building a stereo recording set up for only these purposes. (2 Mics, 2 Pre's, 2 analog tracks). I thought I'd start by asking about preamps first.

Jeff Z.

Preamp improvement

Does a preamp only amplify the signal, or does it add to the sound?
Would it be wise to use some preamplification on all tracks while recording rock songs? This is probably a dumb question, but I really want to know in detail what preamps do since I always hear how mandatory they are for good recordings.


I am recording with a begringer mixer, boss br 532 (i know it sucks), and then going to my computer through the digital out

I am getting good sound if commercial is a 10 I'm at an 8

Now the problem - I'm not using ANY preamps and they needed?
How much better will they sound and where would i put them in my set up thank in advance