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recording choirs

Recording in stereo - Real Acoustic Performances

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Submitted by paulears on Mon, 04/11/2022 - 13:30

It seemed sensible, before starting to do the video on recording choirs, to explain a little about the differing techniques you can use to record 'real' stereo - as in recording the placement of individual sound sources within a stereo soundfield. Quite different from our usual multitrack method of panning the various tracks to their proper location.

Those home recorded choirs, bands and orchestras

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Submitted by paulears on Wed, 05/13/2020 - 13:29

In this lockdown there's loads of material on YouTube with brass bands, choirs, orchestra etc all singing at home and then it sounds and looks so simple.

I got asked - as a freebie of course, to do one for an amateur choir - you know the thing, really nice people but the prospect of using technology at home on their own daunting.

recording clarinet choir

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Submitted by robfh on Sat, 05/13/2017 - 12:41

Any suggestions on recording a clarinet choir from people who have experience with this ensemble? This will not be a concert, so I have time to do whatever is necessary to get the best results. It will take place in a rehearsal hall which is fairly dry. I'm just not sure if I should approach it from a simple main pair in ortf or ms, or if I should use spot mics (or a combination).

Hanging DPA mics, recording theatrical Choir in theatre

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Submitted by audiokid on Wed, 10/30/2013 - 20:07

I'm recording a choir in a playhouse next month. Its a new venue and concept for me. I'm going to need some last minute help on this, starting now :)

I'm using my trusted SF 24 in the center and hanging DPA 's down on top of them. Hanging mics is new for me.
The LCD are a matched pair of DPA 4011 cardiod's with the optional 2006 Omni caps, I'm thinking omni for this?

Recommendations for recording a small youth choir

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Submitted by Aaron_S on Fri, 04/20/2012 - 10:22

Our school has a vocally talented group of 8th graders. Their choir director would like to do a recording of the group before the school year ends that could be distributed to the families of the kids...not for sale, but for keepsake...although we'd still like to capture the best recording we can...Both the choir director and I are amateur at best, but we're both fairly technical people...