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I'm looking at investing in one of these. Does anyone have one or know much about them?

The reason I need it is so that I can record drums properly, with multiple mics, with each track assigned to a track on Cubase.

I already have a pre-amp, but it's only got one input.

I'm assuming this would do the job.

Am I right? Am I wrong?

Enlighten me.


Codemonkey Sun, 03/22/2009 - 16:30

Assuming you have sufficient mics (you can have 5, if you use your preamp and plug it into a line input on the multimix) then yes, this will work.
Assuming also, that you have a PC with a spare USB port.

Tip: don't add it to a hub and get rid of unnecessary crap while recording, anything that isn't a mouse/keyboard should be removed from USB ports and you should close anything not needed for the PC to run.
Just keeps your recordings that bit more reliable and pop-free.

RemyRAD Sun, 03/22/2009 - 23:30

Really, you don't want those units. I think you'd do better with one of the Presonus 8 microphone input capable devices that are FireWire based. You don't really want to do 2 devices in a Mickey Mouse engineering manner do you? It's not going to work as harmoniously together as a single unit will. That is, unless, you're getting them for next to nothing?

Pretty soon you'll want more than 8
Ms. Remy Ann David

anonymous Sat, 03/28/2009 - 05:31

I have this now, and the mixer itself seems to be working just fine. However, I'm having problems allocating tracks from the mixer to tracks in Cubase SX.

Cubase is picking up stuff from all the inputs, but it only seems to allow 2 of them (left and right). Surely each track in Cubase should have an option on the "input" menu to assign itself to one of the 8 tracks on the mixer, rather than just 2?

The mixer came with Cubase LE, but I already have SX installed so I didn't bother installing LE. Could the problem be that it doesn't work on SX? I've found nothing to suggest otherwise but I thought maybe someone else who owns one of these could shed some light on it.

anonymous Sun, 06/07/2009 - 12:21

Feverdream wrote: Sorted now. For future reference, you have to go to the VST Connections windown on Cubase, and manually add the buses from the mixer. The amount of stereo/mono buses are in the manual or on the website. It's working fine now.

So, Feverdream, you are saying that you are able to mix (in Cubase) three or more distinct tracks recorded simultaneously. Your Alesis interface didn't force you two input them as two stereo tracks?

anonymous Sun, 06/07/2009 - 22:48

RemyRAD wrote: Really, you don't want those units. I think you'd do better with one of the Presonus 8 microphone input capable devices that are FireWire based. You don't really want to do 2 devices in a Mickey Mouse engineering manner do you? It's not going to work as harmoniously together as a single unit will. That is, unless, you're getting them for next to nothing?

Pretty soon you'll want more than 8
Ms. Remy Ann David

I have one thing to say about "one of the Presonus 8 microphone input capable devices that are FireWire based".

I have had nothing but heart ache with mine, and now it has finally dead. I will not by another Presonus any time in the near future.

anonymous Mon, 06/08/2009 - 17:39

Jeremy wrote: Thats funny Eric, because any of the Presonus products you speak of have millions in sales, and the majority of people who will buy from them again. The FP10 (Firepod) is the best entry level interface point blank. You might have gotten a lemon. Can't wait to get my grubs on an ADL600.

If it was just that fact that it was a Lemon then I wouldn't hold it against them as much. It was the fact that it took days to get any response from the tech support which ran on for weeks only to find out that my particular Motherboard was the problem why I could not use the spdif (incompatibility). Among having several other issues I've had with it because of XP64bit. I was sold to the product because they supported it BTW.

On a side note the preamps built into them have a fairly decent sound and the ease of use or "convenience" of the product as a interface served me well (as far as the features that worked) for the whole year that I owned it. I think at least the preamps are still functioning as a stand alone unit as well so I don't have to completely throw it away.

All in all this is only my opinion and I would like to just vent it because now I don't have an interface, the money to buy one or even the knowledge to make a good decision as to what to purchase and my Album that I have toiled over is like a couple hours from being finished mixing.

I'm sure that I will continue to be a consumer whore eventually buying another interface that will have its own set of problems until it finally breaks. At least this time I will by from a reputable dealer that will back up there sale instead of somewhere like GC. It is absolutely amazing how much money I've wasted buying products that either don't work or break in a very short amount of time and it has served me very well to avoid them in the future. Live and lean sort of thing.