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Hey Guys,

Im Not Sure Wether This Is The Right Place To Come For My Problem, But Here Goes..

I've Been Seriously Frustrated Recently,

I Recently Purchased A Logitech Quickcam Pro 9000 (A Fantastic Webcam) With My Main Intention To Upload Vids To Youtube... I Wanted To Combine The Camera With My POD UX1, It Works Great When I Record... But When I Watch The End Product. After About 10 Seconds...My Guitar Goes Seemingly Out Of Tune (Down About A Semi-Tone Or So)... Its Enough To Bring Me To Tears, As Ive Tried To Fix It So Many Times And I Really Want To Get My Videos Up

So If You Guys Could Give Me Any Pointers, It Would Be Appreciated So Much (And Ill Mention Your Names When I Get To Youtube:Live)

Thankyou For Your Time

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anonymous Sat, 04/18/2009 - 14:17

I Am Simply Using Logitech Quickcam, Going Into Settings, Changing The Mic Setup From The Pro 9000 Built In Mic To The Line 6 UX1, And Hitting Record On The Logitech Quickcam Interface.

I Realise You Are Probably Flexing Your Muscles At The Screen Right Now, As I Am What You Guys Call A "Newbie". :(

TheJackAttack Sat, 04/18/2009 - 15:16

I seem to recall the Logitech cameras coming with a gui based driver. I do not recall whether it really has it's own "recording" portion or just commandeers WMP. I strip that stuff off all my pc's so I can't really correct it. It sounds as if your video is recording at a higher sample rate than the music. I believe there are books on podcasting that would help you more than we maybe can. There is at least an "Idiot's Guide" and a "Dummies" guide. Also do a google on how to podcast.

Codemonkey Sat, 04/18/2009 - 19:18

Firstly, New Words Don't Need To Be Capitalised!
Now that we've cleared that up...

You say it's down in pitch. This seems oddly as most sample-rate problems (webcam running at 48KHz, input running at 44.1KHz) will result in sync issues or maybe pops/clicks/jumping but not any change of octave, I would think.


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