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Here is a recording I did last night, I tried DPA's HMA5000 directly into the FF800, then I tried to run Apogee MiniMP and then MiniMe thru HMA5000 which was set to 0dB. Microphones is DPA 4003.

The interest in this topic seems to be so bad, so I delete the files

This three Bach pieces were played three times, one for each recording.

Which versions of Bach sounds best, perhaps no version sounds good? :?:

Last improvisation is just a test of having microphones in the middle of the church.

Organist has just taken up this piece of music again, he only had time to practice one hour. So do not be to critical on his playing :)


ptr Fri, 11/21/2008 - 19:48

All four tracks sound quite fine to me, I have a hard time hearing any big difference!!

Is this with or without the DPA UA0777 nosecone?

I'm not sure that I liked the the sound of the Reubke piece, I felt that it sounded somwhat muted (I don't have any good word to descirbe it in english..) in comparison with tha commercial recording I have of the sonata (on MDG with Martin Sander, and I belive that Dabringhaus & Grimm use 4003's mikes when they record organ)! ... The organist is brilliant!!

Let us know what You think about the Aurora, I've been of Lynx's stuff for a few years (I gave up on them early, because of beeing dumbfounded by their software!)..



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