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I'm trying to figure out what it's called, and how it's achieved, but it's hard to describe or give an example as I dont usually listen to this style of music but I may be able to find one if all else fails.

It's usually used in rap and hip hop on vocals and it makes them sound all de-tuned wierd and synthed. Anyone?


anonymous Fri, 05/08/2009 - 10:14

i use cubase, and in cubase there is a pitch shift process. it basically drops the vocals down or brings them up in whatever increment youd like (eg. half step, whole step, octave). i'm pretty sure im safe in assuming your talking about the "mike jones" BS thats out right now, where everything is dropped so low it sounds like satan.

hope this helps.

Codemonkey Fri, 05/08/2009 - 21:39

Oh just me buzzing around.
I actually fixed some buzzing on the deaf-people-loop by slapping a DI on the feed.

We had a youth event up at a local school, a recording engineer who goes to another church showed up (we provided the PA) and I learned a helluva lot from his EQing.

Amazing how when you think you have it sussed, someone pushes the 12K and you realise exactly what you've been missing.


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