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Hello everybody!

I am AJ... A high school-er in need of some advise. I love to record, engineer, and produce music. Mixing+mastering are awesome, and I'm pretty sure I've decided that I want to go into audio production and synthesis or audio engineering an production. So for those of you who have degrees or have researched schools, could you help provide some insight as to where I should look?

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DrGonz Sat, 03/13/2010 - 01:17

When I was in sophomore yr in high school my brother was already starting his first year at a community college. He took a recording studio course and at the time it was not too too much money to get some beginner experience. I then, 3 yrs later, took the class and knew my way around the place a bit, after spending many many hours just hanging out and sitting in other people's sessions. I am not a pro and never will be... rather I am an audiophile. Then I had a friend that went to the conservatory of music in tempe, AZ. I spent some time down there w/ him and it was free, it only cost me time. He never did anything with his degree because he was not passionate enough and had a kid. Reality kicked in for him. But he did get an internship in Nashville. Now that was about 10+ yrs ago, so maybe things are way worse. Try to get internships or something like that and offer your help for free. Get in the door and help others that will teach you for free. That's how I think it's done, if your lucky and smart. Not really sure why I wrote this other than to throw in my 2 cents.

Robak Tue, 03/16/2010 - 12:03

Read books - search for David Moulton, Alton Everest, Bobby Owsinski, Bob Katz... then try to get experience. Be prepared to work for free - even for a few years. You should learn some music theory and how to play an instrument because if you want to work with musicans you should understand them ;) I don't think you need school that much but a good school would force you to learn some things you would skip in a book. Visit forums like this one! Good Luck!


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