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[=" Yamaha HS50M |[/]="http://www.sweetwat… Yamaha HS50M |[/]
Yamaha HS50M


[[url=http://="http://www.sweetwat… Mackie MR5 |[/]="http://www.sweetwat… Mackie MR5 |[/]
Mackie MR5

Room: Big Classroom 30' Wide 70' Long 20' High

Do you guys think going to an 8" woofer is worth the extra $100 or $200?

Thank you!

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TheJackAttack Mon, 04/11/2011 - 14:06

That depends on the room and how much the bass frequencies are excited and reinforcement by that room. Both of those are on the smallish side/wrong dispersion for a room that large IMHO. If you could try some similar sized speakers out first for intelligibility that would be wise. Hawk might be able to recommend something as well when he checks into the forums at the end of the day.

TheJackAttack Wed, 04/13/2011 - 10:34

Well, there is no reason to go to 8" woofer's in this case. You can't mix from a student position in the room. Even with wider dispersion monitors, if you are demonstrating how to mix or what the process is, at best only a couple people at a time are going to be in a sweet enough spot to hear a lot of the changes. If you were truly going to pump it out to the lecture area then you would probably need an 8" monitor but again I don't know how one could demonstrate anything critical in that type of environment.

hueseph Fri, 04/15/2011 - 20:29

ThirdBird, post: 368917 wrote: Jack, thanks for all of the input!

Does anyone have any experience or knowledge about KRK Rokit 5's?
[[url=http://[/URL]="http://www.sweetwat…"]KRK Rokit 5 |[/]="http://www.sweetwat…"]KRK Rokit 5 |[/]

KRKs are fine but I think you will get better results from the Yamahas. They are quite a bit louder and sound quite good IMHO.

RemyRAD Sun, 04/17/2011 - 04:51

None of these tiny speakers are going to work to fill a classroom. You have a small budget so you don't want to blow anything up the first week. Especially in an attempt to teach mixing of any kind. You would probably be better off purchasing a pair of larger PA monitors. All speakers are usable. It'll be the space that sucks. And you have to fill up the space. So pick size over quality. What you really need is a couple of 15 inch JBL Eon's for the classroom monitor system. I like studio monitors too but, you can mix on anything once you've listened to some reference material first. And no, you don't want to teach mixing through headphones. A teacher should know that and now you do. If you haveta'? You haveta'. Having been a live broadcaster, sometimes you haveta'.

Never say never
Mx. Remy Ann David


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