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Okay, its official. I have Samplitude Pro X3 to give away!

I'm not sure how this is going to go as we've never used this software for a contest but I'm going to give it a try.

(Edit: due to lack of interest with a referral contest idea, this giveaway will be changed to something different and is being discussed below).


DonnyThompson Sun, 07/09/2017 - 12:27

pcrecord, post: 451197, member: 46460 wrote: Knowing Microsoft, they would make doors that let you in but you can't get out !! lol

But If you happen to have the Vista version it will ask you multiple times if you want to go through those doors...
"Are you sure you want to open this door?
""But are you sure?"
"Okay, maybe weren't clear. Are you positive you want to do this ?"
"Perhaps we stuttered. Is this a door you'd like to open?"
(Goddamit) YESSSS
"Maybe you need some time to think about it?"
""Are you sure?"
"The door you want to open has suffered a fatal kernel exception. Please re boot your system and try again!"


kmetal Thu, 07/20/2017 - 14:52

yea my B man, ive been avoiding social media intentionally for a while so I was basically useless as far as referring people. something I think would be fun would be something where people post an old mix from their early days, or tell one of their experiences from the years in music, and people just vote for their favorite one. that way its not about whose got the best gear or most experience at the moment, like a "mix contest" would be. that could get un-enjoyable.

id participate for fun, as a super happy owner of 2 licenses (6 seats) of sam prox/prox3, I don't need any more licenses at the moment. Sam is absolutely impressively reliable so far. it has run smoothly on a tablet, and netbook so far, which is downright insane. its literally possible to master a song, with samplitude, on a tablet and bluetooth speaker. its that reliable and streamlined of a program.

Johnny Blade Wed, 08/02/2017 - 18:49

Hi there it's a big pleasure to be a part of this Forum, thanks for that!

I used to use SONY Vegas as a DAW before I met Samplitude/Sequoia. It was a bombastic passion at first sight!!!

I've used Samp since version Pro X and definitely found my soul mate.

Now, it's nice to see MAGIX continues to add features and improvements in this monstrous DAW - version is a solid update released a mounth ago.

Stability and very strong improvements in the work environment are the main highlight, and this time the quantity and quality of the changes made are, in fact, surprising.

Here is a simple reminder to Samplitude users to trigger the internal update of the program:

Current Changelog


DonnyThompson Thu, 08/03/2017 - 03:23

Johnny Blade, post: 451782, member: 50338 wrote: Hi there it's a big pleasure to be a part of this Forum, thanks for that!

I used to use SONY Vegas as a DAW before I met Samplitude/Sequoia. It was a bombastic passion at first sight!!!

I've used Samp since version Pro X and definitely found my soul mate.

Now, it's nice to see MAGIX continues to add features and improvements in this monstrous DAW - version is a solid update released a mounth ago.

Stability and very strong improvements in the work environment are the main highlight, and this time the quantity and quality of the changes made are, in fact, surprising.

Here is a simple reminder to Samplitude users to trigger the internal update of the program:

Current Changelog


Are the updates only for Pro X 2/3?
Or have they also written updates for the original Pro X? ( I'm still using the original ProX Suite)

pcrecord Sat, 11/11/2017 - 05:10

audiokid, post: 453930, member: 1 wrote: I still have a Samplitude Pro X3 licence to give away in a contest.
If you have any suggestions on what kind of contest we could do to give this away as a prize, please share!

I suggest starting a thread that asks who is interested, wait for a week and pick a random member.

It as 3 advantages :
- You only get interested people
- It is impartial
- Giving only one week will get entry by active members only

You may specify one entry only too...

DonnyThompson Sun, 11/12/2017 - 04:01

pcrecord audiokid @Makzimia, et al ...
Yeah, so far I think Marco's idea is probably the best one yet.
Whoever gets it should intend to use it, instead of it ending up on eBay, or ending up on a virtual shelf or something, unused.
Samp is a wonderful DAW, but it is also fairly complex, too. Those interested should know that it's not as "plug and play" as some other DAWs are. It takes time, work and research to use it to its full potential. I'm not trying to wave anyone off who is interested... but it's got a huge amount of features that take time and research to learn.
Also, Samplitude won't run on a Mac... I don't know how many Mac users we have here, but I think it's important to mention this just in case some people might not know.
Starting with a list of people who meet this criteria is a good place to begin.
IMHO of course ;)

Matt Tue, 11/14/2017 - 13:21

pcrecord, post: 454024, member: 46460 wrote: Are you saying that to participate/win this giveway, participants should submit spectral editing exercises and be judge on how good they are ?

YEP. Just trying to come up with some ideas and spectral editing is a feature of samplitude that other DAWs don’t have....but then you’d need Samplitude ;)....just throwing some ideas out there

audiokid Tue, 11/14/2017 - 13:43

pcrecord, post: 454024, member: 46460 wrote: Are you saying that to participate/win this giveway, participants should submit spectral editing exercises and be judge on how good they are ?

I like this idea! Since it’s reletivily new and anyone can download the free demo for 30 days, it could be a good contest.
I like the idea of doing something that we can learn from.

Keep them coming!

DonnyThompson Tue, 11/14/2017 - 15:03

Boy, gang... I don't know anything about that feature at all, other than to know that it's a feature of later Sample versions. I'd have to do some serious studying of it.
Pro X doesn't have this, though I guess I could DL a thirty day trial of a newer version, as long as it wouldn't affect my current version and I could keep working on this project I'm doing on my regular version of Pro X...
If this is what is decided, I'm headed right back to Kraznet's YT instructional vids!! Lol. Hes the guy for learning Samp stuff, and he has saved my bacon more times than I can count .... But, I guess it's Better to be late to the party than to not show at all !!!
PS, would the track be something that's been pre-recorded or do we need to record our own, with intentional fret noise recorded to filter out?
I'm sure I could provide a performance in tracking Acoustic Guitar with Sonic issues... Lol, that's a natural no-brainer for me!! LOLOL. ;)

audiokid Tue, 11/14/2017 - 16:09

I think we could do a workshop kind of thing but in all honestly, once you have it installed, it makes complete sense and is easy enough to do simple tasks within minutes after trying it. Once you have this, you immediately realize how valuable it is and where this kind of technology is heading and what it can and will do for us in a very very positive way.

This technology can help remove an obvious bad finger squeak, bad vocal sss to a train going by to extracting and isolating discussions etc in forensics.

Before we decide what type of contest we do, I’d say don’t download a new version until that’s decided. No point “wasting” your 30 days on something until we come up with the contest.

Also... I doubt a new version would effect an older install. If memory servers me well.. files are unique to the Version you open and use.

pcrecord Tue, 11/14/2017 - 16:40

Well it's all fine if it's the direction you want to go.
But judging on skills instead of random picking a winner will put some unexperienced members aside and/or discourage some that will just think : 'I'd like the software to get better but some others are already better so, I'm bound to loose..'
Of course you have the product, you decide to whom you want to give it ;)

audiokid Tue, 11/14/2017 - 18:27

pcrecord, post: 454033, member: 46460 wrote: Well it's all fine if it's the direction you want to go.
But judging on skills instead of random picking a winner will put some unexperienced members aside and/or discourage some that will just think : 'I'd like the software to get better but some others are already better so, I'm bound to loose..'
Of course you have the product, you decide to whom you want to give it ;)

Hi Marco,
I appreciate your thoughts on this but imho, Anyone! into today’s “quality” DAW platforms with any sort of skill should know about this and use it, period.
Spectral editing is not rocket science but it is definitely something Samplitude and Sequoia does really really well. Thus... what you get with Samplitude Pro x3 suite I believe. MAGIX Which can be downloaded as a free trial?
Imho again... If you aren’t colour blind, and have simple issues it’s a piece of cake in comparison to other ways of trying to remove the unwanted.
That being said... we’re still getting ideas on a contest :)
Other ideas... please keep them coming

pcrecord Wed, 11/15/2017 - 02:58

audiokid, post: 454035, member: 1 wrote: I appreciate your thoughts on this but imho, Anyone! into today’s “quality” DAW platforms with any sort of skill should know about this and use it, period.
Spectral editing is not rocket science but it is definitely something Samplitude and Sequoia does really really well. Thus... what you get with Samplitude Pro x3 suite I believe. MAGIX Which can be downloaded as a free trial?

Ok, assuming it's easy to do for all, how are you gonna choose which entry is better, shouldn't they all sound alike ? What if someone uses Izotope RX instead ?
In fact it is becoming a contest and not a giveaway right ? One is rewarding skills and the other chance, am I wrong ?
You know I respect your judgment and all the great things you do for this forum. It's just that I know chance can't be biased and judging talent can.
Not want to be a smart ass here just writing my thoughts as they come.

I understand that the value of the product is high and anyone would be tempted to make people work for it.
Ah ! Unless you combine the 2 ideas ? submit a spectral repair to participate and draw the winner randomly ?
I guess that's what you get by asking creative people suggestions LOL !! ;)

MAGIX Wed, 11/15/2017 - 08:33

audiokid Yes, both versions can be downloaded as a free trial.

We would also keep the giveaway simple:
We can run it through our Social Media Pages of MAGIX:
-> Sharing the Facebook-Post (or like)
- > People must register at and make a post in a pre-created thread where they have to write what kind of project they want to fullfill with SPX 3 or what they neeed this DAW for a certain project.

Maybe the most creative answer will receive the DAW. We would let you decide which comment you like the most :)

In this way you would get more members, not just spammers, but members who actually are music interested- they might come back regularly to in order to ask for help, or discuss things etc..

The winner wouldn't be someone who's already registered at before the start of the giveaway. :/

What do you think?

In any way, it's really up to you guys, whatever is best for and fair :) We will support this with a little help of Social Media :)


DonnyThompson Thu, 11/16/2017 - 05:56

Well, if you wanted, you could use this contest to draw new members into RO, which is what the original idea for the contest was in the beginning. This could be announced on social media - and further, you could target specific audio groups on FB. There is a Slate Digital users group, as well as groups for Acustica Audio, UA, Avid, etc.
Perhaps mention that you are giving a new license for the latest version of Samp, the drawing will be completely random, and to enter the contest all they need to do is to sign up for RO.
There are a few downsides to this; the first is that you might be giving Samp away to someone who has no intention of using it, who would simply sell the license to someone else to make a few bucks... the other potential downside is, like any membership drive, the possibility that you may end up with people who are jerks, and who would upset the cordial and respectful balance that we have here.
I'm not saying we shouldn't draw new members to RO, to the contrary, I think it would be a good thing to have some new blood here, whether they are novices or veterans.
I'm just kinda thinking out loud here, guys ... not pushing for any idea in particular, just trying to look at the pros and cons of the idea.

audiokid Thu, 11/16/2017 - 18:11

Good points, Donny. I’m with you 100% .

In complete honesty, I personally do not care if this giveaway (or contest) will increase our traffic. What I really want is it to increase Magix users! My only reason to do this is to help support and create buzz for an exceptional DAW I love using..

Magix gave A license to me to give to someone deserving so that is most important ;). But, they also gave it to me to logically help get the word out too, so this is also our focus. We want to spread the word.

If it meant pushing members to facebook I would because I think it’s that good.

Maybe we should start at thread asking for the best answer of why you want Samplitude then award it to the one with the most likes!

Our link could be posted on anyone’s Facebook page , etc.

DonnyThompson Fri, 11/17/2017 - 03:58

And, I'm happy to help you write up a description if you want, I seem to be fairly decent at writing, if for nothing else, I can check it for typos or grammar for you.
I've been thinking... and have decided that I'm not going to enter. I already have the first version of Pro X, and this giveaway should go to someone who doesn't have Samp at all. I'm also a regular and long-time contributing (distinguished) member to RO, and I don't think it would look right if I happened to win. We don't need even a hint of impropriety here on RO; this is an honest forum with a reputation for knowledge and integrity.
Let me know if you'd like me to help with the writing... I'm happy to serve. ;)