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19" XLR or TRS analog patchbay for MixDream 25 pin send/return

I'm looking for a 25 pin to 25 pin patchbay that connects the 1 to 8 and 9 to 16 analog send and returns of the MixDream.
I want it have the options to patch my analog gear to either XLR or TRS for each channel. This way it saves me from buying double snakes or extra adapters. What are some really good options?

Here is an image of the rear panel of the MixDream.


Building An Analog Recording Rig

I am looking to buy a TEAC 2340 or 3440 Reel to Reel. I was wanting to know if you guys could help me out in telling some basics things I NEED in order to perform this operation(recording bands rock bands mostly) Just like the best mixers to use (ive been looking at some vintage mixers) cables things i need for the tape deck up keep. etc. good outboard gear etc.

12 min - 16 max simultaneous analog inputs to pro tools question...

Ok guys, I tried a seach but came up empty. Here goes...

without all the why questions... how do i run 12-16 simultaneous analog inputs into a pro tools tracking session without buying a unobtainable board?

With cubase, I just run everyone through my Tascam US1641 and it works like a charm.

SPL MixDream analog DAW summing

Okay, I'm taking the high road. After so much reading this past year on analog summing amps, then finally listening to some samples, its definitely what I need. This unit takes that ITB closet sound (I've been going nuts trying to overcome) and opens your mix up into a warm fat sound. No wonder they call it MixDream.

analog multitrack recording

Well, I have a Korg Analog 4-track and I can fill up all four tracks and playback what I just recorded and all four will play, but if I take the tape out of the machine and put it into my home stereo for example only the first 2 tracks will play. and if you flip the tape over to the other side you can hear the last 2 tracks being played but in reverse.