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Does a bass preamp fry a channel on an analog board?

My bass player just fried two channels on my board. He used a preamp compression pedal, into a passive DI box into an XLR channel. My formerly beautiful board smoked. It was clipping. We changed channels, DI box, cables and the second channel started to smell too. I disconnected the bass player and ran him thru my Roland keyboard amp. Please help me understand what happened!

Downtuned bass: Neck adjustment?

When playing playing a bass with downtuned strings do people often have to adjust the curvature of the neck so that the strings don't rattle? Or do the raise the strings at the bridge?

Example: I was listening to Bowie's "87 and Cry" and it sounds like he's playing a low C on the 1st string. 28 second mark...

Would you buy a bass online?

I am really hesitant to buy a $350 bass online for fear of the intonation or something like that being unacceptable. The model that I want to buy is currently not available in stores otherwise I would test it out in a store. Am I being too judgmental? From my experience these lower priced instruments go through relaxed quality control.

Bass Trap

Bass Trap - A low frequency absorber. Low frequencies are particularly difficult to absorb due to their long wavelengths. Bass traps are designed and constructed to absorb these longer Wavesand control unwanted room resonances. Broadband absorbers extending to lower frequencies are often called Bass Traps, imprecisely.


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