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Hey bass players. .chime in will ya.

Hey guys, starting to play bass live again and i'm considering doing some downsizing/upgrading. My rig sounds good but is huge (taller than I am). I was considering a Eden 2-10" Metro Combo and adding my 1-15" Eden for more volume. Any ideas on how versitle/loud this would be? Also Mesa Boogie and Aguilar make some nice looking cabs.

Which mic or technique for human beatbox, bass vocal?


Hi guys,

first thanks a lot for the sharing of your passions.

i'll probably work on recording a "only vocals" project.
i'm wondering how to achieve a good take of the guy making drums and bass with his mouth .

this blows a lot of air and plosives onto the diaphragm,so 'I'm thinking about a dynamic.(sm7,d112,m88).

defining bass in a mix

Hey guys, I was wondering if you could help me out. I've been trying so hard to get a nice tight sound on the bottom end of my mixes. and no matter what I've tried so far it all comes out kinda bland with no real punch. The problem i'm having is seperating the bass and the kick to give them their own space. I monitor through M-Audio SP-5B's which I suspect is a contributing factor.