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Equipment/books to get started

I'm an ex singer in a rock band. Got away because of the crazy life it brought but miss making music. I want to start recording at home as a hobby to start. My old band did some recording in a basement but was all done by one of the other members through a mixer and a computer. My gift is in vocals and I want to concentrate on making beautiful harmonies with some effects.

Music technology books/good online courses

I just bought myself a Firebox (w/Cubase LE) and other stuff to go with it... And I'm interested in a music technology book, either something general or something that is related to Cubase. I plan to go to school for this (I'm a senior in high school) so I was hoping I can get ahead of the game now and learn and experiment with my equipment.

Audio books


As you know, I am just doing my first treading in this field of audio engineering.
It is clear to me that I must start with reading a few books before I begin inquiring about gear or even going to a dealer to test gear. Someone like me does not necessarily know even WHAT to listen to in a mic or a monitor or converter.


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