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Bouncing/Exporting/importing/ uploading on to MYSPACE

Im just a beginner with the whole home recording deal... I have a lot of really close friends who know a ton about this stuff and Ive learned a lot from them but right now I'm recording some music for some people and Ive been noticing that my mix sounds pretty good through itunes and through other programs... through my stereo in my car.. headfones... radio speakers... etc...

mixing/bouncing question

Hey everyone,
I'm sure this is a quick fix, but I keep running into this. My mixes sound pretty good when all is said and done...levels are great, not peaking, not too low. then i bounce and bring it into itunes, and the volume is significanlty lower than the avg. song. I've messed with limiting/compressing, but can't quite seem to get it right. Any suggestions? Thanks!

any other programs for bouncing to than itunes?

hey everyone quick question. No matter how hard i try, whether it be from garage band and/or Pro Tools, whenever i bounce to disk at 44.1 and 16 bits as well as all other configurations, stereo interleaved, all that good stuff, it changes the original tone once i put it in itunes. As well as the only way i can even get it into itunes is when i drag it to the library.

Can someone clarify Daniel Lanois' advice about bouncing?

I read this article featuring Daniel Lanois. He mentions the benefits of premixing rhythm guitars, drums, and bass into stereo and then layering the lead sounds to give them more space in the mix.

I'm confused as to why the drums, rhythm guitars and bass should be bounced to stereo before adding lead guitars, vocals, etc.

Bouncing from Pro Tools with windows?

So how do I go about getting my song OUT of Pro Tools without bouncing to disk? Im windows based... And what are these products Sony vegas and all that about? they are good for mastering? and how can I use them? I tried busing everything down to one stereo track then recording that, and it worked and all, but how do i get this file out of Pro Tools without bouncing it?