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Problem with Cakewalk and lag/slur in recording? Got me beat

Here's one to ponder!

Been using GTR Pro 3 for over a year with the following set up and no real problems

120GB HD
2 x 512 DDR memory
Audigy Platinum Pro 2 soundcard (outboard)

OK, a little latency when I was using Amplitude in real time even when I had the buffers as fat as poss but no real issues. Then.

Amateur Recording Cakewalk Question

I am having a small problem with my recording. I'm not a big time recorder. I basically use an adapter straight from my guitar cable to my microphone input, and do all recording through Cakewalk. Anyway, I just got it hooked up again and when I do playback, it's playing it messed up. I sounds almost like it has a tremolo effect to it.

DAW Software comparison - PT, Logic, Cubase, Cakewalk, etc.

I am buying a new studio. I want to be able to record a live band all playing at the same time (about 12 mics). I want to be able to occassionally fix a tuning or timimg problem (for a singer's out of tune note or a drummers late snare hit). I want to do automated mix down. I will not be doing MIDI.

Cakewalk Music Creator Pro24

Hey folks,

bear with me as I'm very new to all this. I decided to make a start at some home recording so downloaded cakewalk music creator pro24 from limewire, and i am actually stumped from the start.

it says for me to select the midi outputs, and when i select the one on the popup list, it still asks me to make a selection as "i will not be able to hear anything play"


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