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SCA J99 vs John Hardy mic pre comparison


Does anyone have an informed opinion regarding comparisons of SCA mic preamps vs John Hardy, or Great River? I realize the "bang for the buck" argument on behalf of SCA. But from a head-to-head comparison of sheer sonic quality, can you hear a difference between e.g. the SCA J99 vs the John Hardy manufactured mic preamp?

SAW Studio comparison? opinion? experience?

New to the world of recording, I'm learning more and more each day about options, alternatives, various types of equipment, brands, etc. Just this morning while drooling over the Mackie Controller home page, I noticed SAW Studio support. What is SAW Studio? So I checked out the web site, watched some of their videos, and overall I was pretty impressed. Unfortunately, it is quite pricey.

Stand Alone HD Recorder Comparison?

I am looking for some user comments and comparisons of the Alesis HD24, Tascam 2424, Mackie Hd24, Radar's contribuion to the same field.

So far I had been thinking about the Alesis model. Now I hear that the Mackie has just dropped price dramatically.

Which one of the above (or others) should I get as a most bang for the buck?


A classic microphone comparison


Ok, it's a given that nothing is like my 65 Jazz Bass, or my 77 Music Man. But the fact is, there are other basses that are in the ball park of these, and though the feel and sound is not exactly the same, there are at least some instruments that are similar.

So, with all these new LD condensor mics out there, is there something that is in the ball park of -


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