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Dynamic range compression (DRC) or simply compression is an audio signal processing operation that reduces the volume of loud sounds or amplifies quiet sounds, thus reducing or compressing an audio signal's dynamic range. Compression is commonly used in sound recording and reproduction, broadcasting, live sound reinforcement and in some instrument amplifiers.

Sonar compression

I have ardvark q10, Sonar 3, Alesis m1 active monitors, and a cabnit of moderate to decent mics. My question is 2 part really. First off, i dont feel that Im getting the quality that I should with vocals. The ardvark is very hot but when it comes down to tracking i would rather keep the vocalist close to the mic than for them to pull away on the high or loud notes.

Hip hop kick upfront with compression

Everybody says that the kicks on hophop album are so in your face because of compression. Can some one explain. i hav tried it and it seems to make the kick louder but duller or lack of life. the hip hop kicks on the albums are clear present and still have a lot ofdepth and still jump through the speakers

Compression 101 (Bass DI, Vocals, Nady CL 5000)


I record without a board direcly into two Aardvark Q10's into Sonar 2.2 XL.

I have some nice compressors I can use later in mix down, but I just bought my first outboard compressor, a NADY CL-5000.

Would anyone be willing to share some pointers on how to get started using it for two applications:

1. Bass Guitar recorded DI
2. Vocals


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