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Millennia Media M-2b discontinued

Wow, I just heard the Millennia M-2b is discontinued for good, no more made. If I won the lottery I would have 24 channels of those and call it completed. They are simply outstanding. I feel blessed to have at least 2 channels. I guess I have what will go down as one of the worlds most amazing preamps. The M-2b are now Vintage.

Discontinued Apple support of Protools? Time to learn Logic?

I've heard that Apple is trying to get away from
supporting Digidesign products and service.

Does anyone have advice for a home studio
Pro Tools user (Mbox) on switching to other
software (Logic)? I am a Mac user and will
continue to be until another device proves
it's worth (which will probably be a long time!).

Thanks for your input.

Not discontinued!

Ash normally says something's discontinued when they don't carry it (this seems to be "Standard Operating Procedure" for them--back when I worked at Ensoniq, they said this about some of the Ensoniq products that were very current at the time.) Also, while doing a search for something else on Soundscape's website, I stumbled on a "3rd party developer" document for Mixtreme, dated 8/8/01--the pr


Today I called samash to get another mixtreme

"sorry theyre discontinued" said the samash rep!

Now there are no phone numbers on the SS site!

Have we been Mackied? Same guys that won't support my Ultramix only 1 year after buying it ?

I was scared when Mackie bought SS, I guess I had good reason.

Please SS guys, whats going on ?


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