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tranfers from 1" 24 track 15ips with dolby s, any i

I have a client with material on a 1" tape. We have been told that they think it is 24 track 15ips with dolby s, but maybe, just maybe it is 16 track with dbx reduction. Anybody out there have any idea where I might get this done. checked with transfermat at toy specialist, and they are not optomistic.



Dolby unwrap

Anyone know of a software plugin that can convert standard stereo or dolby stereo to surrounf 5.1? Like the TC electronics Unwrap or Z-systems K6 processor.
Been fiddeling around with manual remixing the stuff but I got a feeling that it shouldnt be to hard to make something like this, most of these processor basicaly devide the channels on their stereo spread and frequency.