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Proper place to insert guitar effects in DAW

Hello, sorry if this isn't the right category for my question.

I have a track with the dry signal out of recorded guitar and I'm using a virtual amp head with an impulse as a cabinet.
My question is what is the proper place to use any effect plugins (reverb, delay etc), as insert or send effects?

Recording acoustic guitar - hear my breathing etc

So I cut a track of acoustic guitar using a stereo pair of RODE M5's . And I can hear my mouth sounds and breathing. My room is not ideal - there's noise anyway but the mouth sounds. Bla! I'm about 2 feet from the mics and about 18 to 20 inches above them and have my head cocked to the side breathing away from them. (So maybe 36 inches away).

Clipping guitar pedal loses mojo when volume lowered

So.. I'm recording some guitar and one side of the channel clips or the waveform periodically looks like a solid block, but when the volume is lowered or attenuated in any way, the pedal being used by the guitar totally loses it's 'mojo'. WTF?

Any ideas on how to cure clipping in a situation like this? I've tried several different things and nothing has helped yet..

Recording Acoustic Guitar and room acoustic

Somewhere in this is my quote of the day,

recording an acoustic guitar in a poorly treated room is like recording it in two bad rooms in one shot.
The acoustic guitar body is a room in itself, which is effected by the room it is being playing in.. Care to word it better, be my guest! Its a good one to remember.
