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soil/sevendust guitar sound

I know I'm dreamin but here goes -

JOHHNY K or anyone involved with the making of SOILS REDEFINE or SCARS
album in GROOVEMASTER STUDIOS Chicago, IL can you help us?

Although we can get many great heavy guitar sounds (which we should be
happy with) We are trying to get that particular guitar sound recorded
and cannot figure it out.

How to create stereo guitar from a mono source?

As the subject reads, I'm trying to get a good stereo sound out of a mono guitar source. I do intend to bypass the amp completely and use only direct audio from the processors. splitting into two mono L&R tracks and panning only sounds like just what it is, two of the same track panned to the sides. how do you get it to sound more like true stereo?


Hi, I am new on this forum of mastering.

I am recording a classical guitar trhough my RODE nt1000 and Mackie mixer to Pc (I know it is not the best but...) and find that the same recording mastered at 94 % sounds much better than mastered at 100 %, could that be posible that it sounds like compressed?. Thank you for any information you could give me.

Direct-recording guitar

Hi all!

I record at home during my free time, but since my fellow house-dwellers sleep at night, I'm restricted to recording direct to my PC/4-track/whatever I happen to be using at the time.

My guitar parts just don't have that "something" that most commercial recordings do. I know most people have the luxury of Micing up an amp and tearing away.

Acoustic Guitar Pickups

Hello, I am currently recording a project with an acoustic guitar player who really moves a lot and I have been faced with the task of getting a good sound out of a typical transducer style pickup (powered with built in eq etc.) He plays live with a Crate acoustic guitar amp and it sounds quite good. I am either going to record the guitar (line out of amp) mic the guitar amp or both.

Acoustic Guitar Micing


When I listen to the acoustic guitar as I play, the highs stand out the most to me and they sound crisp. Everything sounds like it’s in its proper place. When I record it the mids and lows take over and the highs sound dull. Can this problem be overcome or helped by mic placement? I’ve tried many different arrangements using an SM57 and a Shure Prologue.