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new latency issue with did002/imac/pod xt

Hi friends. Quick question with an issue thats DRIVING ME NUTS. Im using a pod xt guitar processor hooked up into the inputs of the digi002 and all the sudden now when i open an audio track and enable record there is a delay from guitar to the computer. In other words, when i play the guitar, you dont hear it come through the system until a brief moment after. Its not even a second.

Latency Issue. Guitar Input > USB 2.0

Hi People.

my situation :

I recently bought Native Instruments' Guitar Rig.
Though I am not running it via their Rig Kontroller

Instead I bought myself the Light Snake™ ¼ Guitar input > USB 2.0 cable. It's a nice cable.

Now when GR loads and I go to the AUDIO AND MIDI SETTINGS I have 2 options and they are as follows:

Latency problem Kontact 1

Hi. Could anyone help me . I have what I think is a latency problem in my Kontact 1 sampler. When I play the notes on my trigger keyboard
they sound rythmically correct, but when I listen to them played back on Logic, the recorded notes ( in this case bass ) do not match do not match what I recorded. Some notes are late, some are early.


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