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Lexicon Effects Processor I/O Level Set...Woooo!


This makes no sense to me.

I'm bustin' the ceiling with my Effects Processor's minimal settings

I'm running the Lexicon MPX-500 w/ an Echo Audio LAYLA 24/96 PC AI. I'm looping my dry, pre-recorded signal out of the Layla's 3/4 & out of the Lexicon; & back into the Laya's 3/4 Ins (all balanced.)

+4db levels louder than -10db levels

I have a Digi 002 with -10db rca and +4db 1/4" outputs. My CD recorder has rca -10db inputs. I once used the +4db output to the CD recorder, and the sound was loud and distorted. So my question is this...if I had a CD recorder with balanced XLR +4db inputs, would a CD made with this recorder be LOUDER than a disc recorded with my -10db CD recorder?
