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Recording and pre-mixdown levels.


I want to ask something, I hope it's not too newbiesh.
When we are recording stuff what should be our trim level for best results? I have a MOTU 828mk3 and I usually record at 30db but somewhere I read that it should be 0db?

Second question; Maximum level at the mixing must be 0db again, right? I mean in Logic, no track should be above 0db. Am I right?

Logic - Built In Instruments - Bass Levels

Let me just say, I'm not new to recording but I'm very new to Logic, and still slowly learning my way around the interface. I'm in the process of recording a song, it's got 2 guitar tracks and one bass track as of right now. I'm trying to use one of Logic's Built-In Instruments for the Bass Guitar track.

SO Many Level Adjustments. .

I get a nice, clean, full undistorted tone, but I always wonder if I'm doing things in the optimum way, there are SO many level adjustments...
I use an old Tascam M35 mixer(8x4x2) into an M audio 1010lt soundcard into Cakewalk Sonar 7 Producers Edition.
The direct out on each channel of the mixing board goes into an individual input of the 1010lt.

Questions about track levels...


I am primarily a musician who has always been interested in the audio production side of things. My band recently recorded base tracks for what is to be our second album. A typical track on this project has drums, bass, piano, an acoustic guitar track, an electric rhythm track, a lead track (mostly guitar, keys on some songs/sections) and vocals (which haven't been recorded yet).

Vocal Tracking Levels.


I am wondering about the RMS and peaks levels I should be hitting when recording vocals. I've seemed to gather from different sources that I should be anywhere around -24 to -18 RMS with peaks no more than -10. I would just like to hear other people confirm or reject this idea. Once the track has been recorded into Logic, I can make any other level changes ITB.

Problem with sound level of my whole mixes!

Hi! I've been recording with Cubase since 4 years now. Since the beginning, I always have a problem when it comes to sound level and loudness of my final mixes. I can't get my mixes to sound as lound as a normal radio song without clipping. My stereo output always clip when I'm loud enough.

Input Levels - express card slot, how to re-configure the IRQ

Ok, so I really need some help here.

First let me start off by telling you what I have.

Machine - HP Pavillion Dv7 - Vista64 - 4gR - 250 SATA

Interface - M-Audio Firewire 410

Microphone(s) - MXL 990 & 991

DAW - Sony Acid Pro 7 - Ableton Live 8.0.4 - Reaper 3.103

Now let me tell you how I have it set up.