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Need 'fat' mic preamp recommendation for DAW


In a couple of months, I will begin tracking for a follow-up album that I have been hired to produce/engineer for an independent label. I am a Pro Tools guy (yes), and own a modest studio, with several decent mic preamps, good A/D conversion, etc. These days, I've been mixing inside PT, and it is working well for me.

John Hardy preamp info?

Am I just not looking in the right place, or is the Hardy company the last holdout from this new fangled internet-thing? I can understand not liking how the WWW turned the old 'net into a dumb relative of television, but it IS a very good way to make product info available to potential customers. Where can I get Hardy product info?


Would a top notch comp/preamp 'cause clicks...

I've noticed that with vocal recordings (voicovers) done w. a Neumann (any TLM) and say an AMEK preamp and a D3 or dbx (simply put; top of the line preamps and compressors) spittle-sounds or abrupt transients will cause extra click-type sounds or small distortions. This shouldn't happen right ?
Or is this...natural vintage behaviour ?

Pad recommendations for RCA BA31-C mic preamp?


I just picked this pre up and it seems everything I run through it is distorted.There are no input or output adjustments on it, so I guess I'm stuck with one level, but do I need a pad after the mic, before the pre?
If so, which one is transparent enough(model numbers please).
Also, has anyone else used this pre before?
Any applications where it excels?

improving DAW input -- mic preamp or saturator?


hey folks-

first off, if this is too 'off-thread' for the DAW world post, my apologies. .

i'm wanting to improve the overall quality of audio going to my DAW. while everything right now is squeaky clean, it just sounds soul-less (and no, it's not the music that's the problem! :p ).
the main signal path is:


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