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24-bit/96K 10x10 FireWire Recording Studio

firepod/laptop setup with an external firewire HD?

i'm going to be using a PreSonus firepod with a laptop, 1400 MHz processor, 260,000 KB RAM, and i'll be working with the version of Cubase that comes standard with the firepod. the laptop only has one firewire port (which the firepod will be connected to), the firepod has two, one of which will obviously go to the computer. a few questions:

can i use delta 1010 and firepod?

I know it sounds like a dumb question, but i want to boost my I/O by eight, and it sucks that theres not a way to use both interfaces at the same time in the same app. I have a 1010Lt and i want to upgrade to a better interface, and i'd prefer not to use the 1010, so the firepod seems like a good choice, but i can't use it at the same time, which sucks. Does anyone know a workaround?

[b]E-MU X Studio or PreSonus Firepod?[/b]

This decision would be based on SNR, internal computer noise isuues, A/D D/A converters (new 192's seem overkill and unproven), ins & outs, preamps , overall value/reliability, solid construction, and whatever else you all would care to add. Your input would be greatly appreciated.

Just James
InnerSpace Studio

Tascam FW-1082 or PreSonus Firepod

Tascam FW-1082 or PreSonus Firepod
I am looking for a Digital interface with Mic preamps and firewire, that's both reasonable and good sounding (Is there such a device?)

Any thoughts on the above mentioned interfaces or other ones like them, in the same price range will greatly appreciated?

Thank you so much,


fw=1884 vs firepod/Mackie control combo

I posted this in DAW/Computing but havnt had any responses, so i thought id try it here.

Which way would you go and why?

I want a control surface for nuendo 2 and i need a new sound card. My budget is $1500 +/-

i was also looking at the Yamaha 01x which seems impressive on paper but looks kinda scary ( i noticed they dropped the price on this about $500.)